Frequently Asked Questions
Building & Code: Building Inspection & Permit Services
County Job Postings can be found on the Job Board.
Engineering jobs will look like this if there are any positions needing to be filled.
- Three (3) sets of plans, drawn to scale, are required which include the following:
- A site plan showing the location of all property lines and existing and proposed structures. The use of each structure and the distances between them and to the property lines must also be indicated. An arrow indicating “North” is also required.
- A floor plan showing all walls, doors, windows, and the use of each room. Critical dimensions shall be indicated.
- Structural plans which include:
- foundation plan
- wall framing plan including required wall bracing
- floor framing plan
- roof framing plan or truss layout
- cross section(s)
- details of critical connections
- statement of special inspections (if special inspections are required)
- All plans for commercial projects and multifamily dwellings must show compliance with California Disabled Access Regulations. All required access features, with dimensions, shall be clearly indicated on the plans. Certain items must also be addressed when additions, alterations or structural repairs are proposed as well.
- A complete electrical plan. (Residential plans must also show the locations of all required smoke detectors.)
- A complete plumbing and mechanical plan is required for most commercial projects, but not for residential projects unless unusual construction is proposed.
- Two (2) sets of structural calculations are required for most commercial projects and for all projects that are considered nonconventional construction. Unless specifically indicated otherwise by the Building Official, structural calculations shall include a complete vertical and lateral analysis. All construction requirements shown in the calculations shall be reflected on the plans. All structural calculations shall be stamped and signed by a qualified architect or engineer licensed by the State of California.
- A foundation and soils investigation is likely required per CBC chapter 18.
- Two (2) sets of (Title 24) Energy Documentation (if required).
- Other information is required such as names and addresses of the owner, contractor, engineer/architect, and the applicant.
- Contractors must provide Worker’s Compensation Insurance information and a valid Contractor’s License.
This may not be a complete list. Other departments may be involved. Additional items may be required.
- Three (3) sets of plans, drawn to scale, are required which include the following:
If work is completed without the benefit of permits, it is a violation. No further permits will be issued for that site until the violation is corrected. Additional fees and/or fines may result and a lien may be placed against the property until the violation is corrected.
Building permits must be obtained as required for new construction. The work must comply with the applicable codes in effect at the time of application. Therefore, work that may have been legal at the time of construction, may not be acceptable at the time of permitting.
If the unpermitted work is commercial, a licensed architect or engineer must prepare and certify all plans and documents as indicated in this pamphlet and submit to the Building Official for review and approval. When the plans are approved by the Building Official, a building inspector will perform the normal inspections. However, any construction which the inspector cannot verify must be qualified by a licensed engineer or architect to the satisfaction of the Building Official. This may require expensive testing and/or demolition and often becomes very time consuming.
If the unpermitted work is residential, you can pay for a building inspector to perform a site inspection and he/she will indicate, in writing, what documents and information must be provided to the building department in order to obtain the building permit. A licensed engineer or architect may be required to certify plans and documents. Again, any work that cannot be verified by the inspector must be qualified by a licensed engineer or architect to the satisfaction of the Building Official.
When a permit is required, it is necessary to provide at least three (3) sets of plans to the building department for review. After the plans are reviewed and approved, the applicant will get a set returned to him/her which has a stamp of approval from the building department. This approved set of plans must remain on the job site for the duration of the project. These plans must be available to the inspector, or inspections will not be performed. The second set of approved plans is retained by the building department. An additional copy of the floor plan is required and is sent to the assessor’s office for their records.
Submitted documents shall reflect all proposed work. Plans shall be clear enough such that if you were to hand them to a complete stranger, he/she would be able to construct the project as you intend.
Most commercial projects, as well as any construction that does not meet the requirements for “Conventional Light-Frame Construction” as specified in Chapter 23 of the California Building Code (CBC), must be designed, and all plans and documents stamped, by a qualified architect or engineer licensed by the State of California.
A permit is not required for the following:
- One-story detached accessory structures used as tool and storage sheds, playhouses, and similar uses, provided the floor area does not exceed one hundred twenty (120) square feet.
- Fences not over seven (7) feet high.
- Movable cases, counters and partitions not over five foot nine inches (5′ 9″) feet high.
- Retaining walls not over four (4) feet high measured from the bottom of the footing to the top of the wall and not supporting a surcharge or impounding Class I, II, or III-A liquids. Contact your local Building Official for walls retaining soils in close proximity of the property line.
- Water tanks supported directly on grade if the capacity does not exceed five thousand (5000) gallons and the ratio of height to diameter or width does not exceed two to one (2:1).
- Platforms, walks or driveways not more than thirty (30) inches above grade and not over any basement or story below. Contact your local Building Official if the walks or platforms are accessible to the public.
- Painting, papering and similar finish work.
- Temporary motion picture, television, and theater stage sets and scenery.
- Window awnings supported by an exterior wall of Group R-3 or U-1 Occupancy when projecting not more than fifty four (54) inches.
- Prefabricated swimming pools that are less than 24 inches (610 mm) deep.
A building permit is required for any construction which physically changes or adds structures to your property or for work regulated by local Codes or Ordinances, such as:
- New Buildings
- Additions-Room additions, patio covers, swimming pools, etc.
- Alterations-Re-roofs, garage conversions, exterior stucco, new
- Repairs-Replacement of water heaters or other plumbing fixtures, air conditioning units, new electrical service, and rewiring, etc.
- Moving or Demolishing a building.
- Installation of heating equipment, such as stoves, wall heaters and fireplaces.
A building permit is required by law and is intended to protect life and property.
When you obtain a building permit, you have the comfort of knowing that your project is being reviewed and inspected by qualified personnel who are trained and experienced in this line of work.
Most projects begin with a plan review before a permit is issued. A large majority of potential problems are discovered at this stage and resolved before the project even begins. This saves unnecessary construction delays, time, and money, as opposed to discovering the errors in the field after materials are delivered and/or installed.
During the construction of your project, an experienced building inspector performs periodic inspections to verify the work is properly completed and meets code requirements. The inspector may also be able to provide suggestions or recommendations since they, most likely, have experienced similar situations in the past!
Plan review and inspection fees for building permits are nominal and are a small price to pay when you consider the alternatives. Wouldn’t you rest assured knowing that your construction project was approved by experts?
Building & Code: Code Compliance
The County is not a referee for tenant-landlord disputes. Generally, these disputes are best resolved between the renter and property owner. The General Rule for maintenance of rented properties as presented by the California Department of Consumer Affairs is: “When a landlord rents an apartment or a house to a tenant (renter), the rented property must be fit to live in. In other words, the rented property must be “habitable.” During the time that the property is being rented, the landlord must do maintenance work and make repairs which are necessary to keep it habitable. However, the landlord is not responsible to the tenant for repairing damage caused by the tenant, or the tenant’s guest, children or pets.”
For information about your rights and suggestions on ways to resolve housing complaints between tenants and landlords, the California Department of Real Estate maintains the booklet California Tenants – A Guide to Residential Tenants' and Landlords' Rights and Responsibilities. Additional assistance may be available through the Greater Bakersfield Legal Assistance Fair Housing Law Project.
If you believe that you are being discriminated against, you can contact the Greater Bakersfield Legal Assistance Fair Housing Law Project or the Kern County Fair Housing Division:
Greater Bakersfield Legal Assistance Fair Housing Law Project
615 California Avenue
Bakersfield, CA 93304
Phone: (661) 334-4679
Email: fairhousing@GBLA.orgKern County Fair Housing Division
2700 M Street, Suite 250
Bakersfield, CA 93301
Phone: (661) 862-5038
Information Hotline: (661) 862-5299
Email: kerncd@dcvg-cn.comIf you have contacted your landlord and they are unwilling to make the property habitable, within the limits of their responsibility, you can submit a complaint through the County’s Code Compliance Unit.
I turned in a complaint last week. Why hasn’t the County done anything?
Most likely the County has started working with the property owner to resolve the violation. Typically the County will notify the owner that we have received a specific complaint alleging certain violations of the Kern County Ordinance Code exist on his or her property. We normally request that the property owner respond to us indicating they will resolve the violation in an acceptable time frame, that the violation has been resolved or that the property was not in violation. If the owner chooses not to work with the County to cooperatively resolve the violation, we begin a more formal legal process which may take an extended time to fully resolve. We request that in most nonhazardous situations that you wait a minimum of 30 days after filing the complaint before checking on the status of a complaint to allow us time to contact the property owner and attempt resolution of the violation.
Who should I contact if my neighbor has lots of weeds on his property that creates a fire hazard?
Complaints received by the Code Compliance Unit regarding weeds will be referred to the Fire Department for investigation. For faster resolution it is suggested that you call these complaints into the local Fire Department directly. If the weeds are not a fire hazard and they are more of a maintenance problem, the complaint should be submitted to the Code Compliance Unit.
The Code Compliance Unit enforces regulations relating to the following:
- Condition of existing structures that constitute a clear and present danger to the public.
- Building Code violations (building, plumbing, electrical, mechanical, access, etc.) Including construction or change of occupancy without permits.
- California State Housing law (minimum standards for safe and sanitary housing).
- Illegal dumping.
- Liquid waste disposal.
- Zoning requirements for structures such as use, location, configuration, size and land use requirements.
- Abandoned vehicles.
- Occupied Recreational Vehicles.
The first letter you should receive is mailed to you as a courtesy after we have received a complaint. It is intended to merely advise you that a violation of the Kern County Ordinance Code has been alleged. After receipt of the letter please contact the Code Compliance Units’ Officer assigned the case at your earliest convenience to clear up any of the following:
- The information in the letter is incorrect.
- The violation no longer exists.
- You don’t understand some part of the letter.
- You just need additional time to bring your property into compliance.
- If you want to talk about your options.
Once the allowable time specified on your first letter has expired, and if you have not contacted the Code Compliance Unit, an officer will inspect your property to verify the allegations.
If it is determined that the violation does not exist, the case will be closed and no further action will be taken. However, if a violation is found to exist, you will be notified by an “Official Notice To Comply.” This notice will state specific code sections for which you are in violation, the remedies available to you, and any fines, charges and/or penalties that you will be assessed.
Please contact the Code Compliance Unit as soon as possible. We will be happy to discuss the information outlined in your notice with you and to go over any and all options available to you. Our first priority is to bring violations into compliance through voluntary measures whenever possible.
The Administrative Citation will be issued when the citizen has failed after notification and a period of time to correct a violation of the Kern County Ordinance Code.
When an Administrative Citation is issued it is due and payable within thirty (30) days of the date issued. The first citation issued is $250.00. These fines are cumulative and citations may be issued every thirty (30) days the violation exists. In addition to the administration citation penalties other costs and fines leading up to the citation may be due regarding the code violation.
- 1st citation $250.00
- 2nd citation $500.00
- 3rd citation $1,000.00
- Unlawful dumping – $250.00 per day for each day the violation exists
- Additional administrative costs may be charged in addition to the citation charges.
Payment of Fines
Make checks payable to County of Kern and mailed to:
Citation Processing Center
P. O. Box 7275
Newport Beach, CA 92658Cash will be accepted in person at:
2700 “M” Street,
Bakersfield, CA 93301,
at the Cashier’s deskVISA or Mastercard will be accepted online at or by phone at 1 (800) 989-6158.
Questions regarding citations should be referred to 1 (800) 989-6158.
If I suspect a violation how do I go about getting it resolved or reporting it?
You may make contact with the property owner directly and request that he resolve the violation, or you may report violations of the above codes to the Code Compliance Unit by calling our hotline at (661) 862-8603, faxing information to us at (661) 862-5149, by e-mailing your complaint to, or by submitting an Online Complaint.
When submitting a complaint, the reporting party must include their name and phone number, as anonymous complaints will not be processed. When processing a complaint, we do not provide the violator with the information about who reported the alleged violation. Additional information which must be provided is a description of what the alleged violation is, the location of the violation including the nearest cross-street and any other pertinent information which may be helpful.
Make checks payable to County of Kern and mailed to:
Citation Processing Center
P. O. Box 7275
Newport Beach, CA 92658Cash will be accepted in person at:
2700 “M” Street,
Bakersfield, CA 93301,
at the Cashier’s deskVISA or Mastercard will be accepted online at or by phone at 1 (800) 989-6158.
Any person disputing the issuance of an administrative citation may contest the citation by completing a request for hearing form and returning the form within fifteen (15) days from the date of the issuance of the administration citation. The initial appeal is handled by Revenue Experts, Inc. not the County of Kern. The County’s ordinance requires citations be paid even if the citizen wishes to appeal. Appeals are usually held at the Public Services building, however, citizens may also request a hearing be conducted via the telephone.
The Appeal Forms may be obtained:
- Online Appeal Forms
- By calling Code Compliance at (661) 862-8603 and ask them to mail an Appeal form to your home (the mail time will cut into your 15 day response time)
- By picking up at the Public Services building located at 2700 “M” Street, Bakersfield at the Customer Service Center
If paying the penalty in advance causes a financial hardship the citizen may complete a “Hardship Waiver Request.” The form must be submitted to Revenue Experts within ten (10) days from the date the citation was issued. The Department issuing the citation will review the citizen’s request and the decision of the department is final.
Failure of the citizen to appear at the administrative citation hearing shall constitute a forfeiture of the fine and be deemed a failure to exhaust administrative remedies.
Within ten (10) days of the conclusion of the hearing, the hearing officer will provide the citizen with a written decision. A decision in favor of the citizen shall constitute a dismissal of the administrative penalty and the County shall return any monies paid.
If the hearing officer renders a decision in favor of the County, the citizen must comply with the administrative order, including payment of any administrative penalty, or seek review under Section 8.54.100.
A citizen, who is subject to an administrative order issued by a hearing officer pursuant to Section 8.54.090, may contest the administrative order by filing an appeal with the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors. The appeal must be filed within seven (7) days from service of the administrative order. The Board of Supervisors may reverse, affirm wholly or partly, or modify the administrative order.
Any person who contests the final administrative order may seek judicial review of the order by filing an appeal with the Superior Court.
The complete Amended “Section 2. Chapter 8.54 of the Ordinance Code” can be found here.
Building & Code: Engineering
County Job Postings can be found on the Job Board.
Engineering jobs will look like this if there are any positions needing to be filled.
Sample image below.
Building & Code: Surveying
County Job Postings can be found on the Job Board.
Engineering jobs will look like this if there are any positions needing to be filled.
A Color Case Map shows subdivisions (Tracts, Parcel Maps, etc.), Streets & Highways dedicated to public use, proposed highway alignments, Waterways (rivers, lakes, canals), City limit boundaries, Local Government properties, Easements dedicated to public use (access, drainage, etc.) and recording information about each document.
A Filed Map shows survey activity, performed by the County Surveyor’s Office or the State of California, and is on file in the County Surveyor’s Office. At this time, survey activity maps done by the State of California have not been scanned, and are not currently available for download. Copies may be obtained from local blueprint companies.
Survey activity maps performed by the County Surveyor’s Office are available for download at the link below.
A Parcel Map shows the subdivision of land into Parcels for sale and is recorded in the County Recorder’s Office. Parcel Maps typically contain fewer “Lots” than Tract Maps and requirements for improvements (to the property) are less extensive than for Tract Maps.
A Record of Survey Map shows survey activity, performed by private surveyors, and is recorded in the County Recorder’s Office.
A Tract Map shows the subdivision of land into Lots for sale and is recorded in the County Recorder’s Office.
A Zone Map shows zoning information for that location.
A Geographic Information System, or GIS, is an organized collection of computer hardware, software, geographic data, and personnel designed to efficiently capture, store, update, manipulate, analyze, and display all forms of geographically referenced information. In simple terms: A computer system capable of holding and using data describing places on the earth’s surface.
Learn more at
Transportation: Road Maintenance
To report a pothole or damaged roadway, use our online reporting application.
To report illegal dumping in the County, please call 661-862-8891.
To report illegal dumping in Metro-Bakersfield, please call 661-326-3114.
Transportation: Traffic
To report a malfunctioning traffic signal or streetlight, use our online reporting application.
To report a missing or damaged street sign, use our online reporting application.
Call the Traffic Division at (661) 862-5100 during regular business hours or use our online reporting application. We will investigate and make any necessary improvements. You can also contact the California Highway Patrol and ask for increased enforcement.
Transportation: Transit
Dial-A-Ride is a reservation-based, curb to curb service available in several communities within Kern County. Dial-A-Ride services are available to all riders within its designated service area. Dial-A-Ride is not available outside of the community it is assigned to. For inter-community transportation, please see our fixed route schedules.
Medical Dial-A-Ride is a reservation-based, curb to curb service available in the city of Bakersfield for Medical appointments only. Medical Dial-A-Ride is available to all riders transferring from a Kern Transit route, and there is no cost to transfer. Medical Dial-A-Ride is not a service provided to Bakersfield City residents. For Dial-A-Ride or similar services available in the city of Bakersfield, please see or call, 661-869-2438 for more information.
You must schedule a Dial-A-Ride by calling on of our three dispatch offices at, 1-800-323-2396. For reservations in Lamont, Frazier Park, and Medical Dial-A-Ride, press option #1 when calling our 800 number. For reservations in the Lake Isabella area, press option #2 when calling our 800 number. For reservations in Mojave, Tehachapi, and Rosamond, press option #3 when calling our 800 number.
Reduced fare is a 50% discount on all general fares for Kern Transit. Reduced fare is available for passengers who are 62 years of age or older, disabled, or youth grades K-12. To receive reduced fare, passengers must present proof of eligibility upon boarding the bus. Proof of eligibility must be presented to the driver at every boarding. For more information on reduced fare and how to apply, please view the Reduced Fare Application.
When visiting our website,, you will see a system map on the home page. Each route has a number and a destination. For example, if you are a Lamont resident looking to travel to Bakersfield, your route will be Route 140 Lamont – Bakersfield. That route will be the color purple on the system map. Click on the route on the map, and the website will redirect you to that schedule.
If you are having trouble reading or understanding our online schedule, please call 1-800-323-2396 and press option #1. Someone will be more than happy to help answer any questions and help you plan your trip.
Transportation: Waste & Recycling Material Transportation
As of November 2019 Kern Public Works had historically documented the recommended processing, including transportation, of waste and recycling materials in the Kern County Recycling Guide. This document was updated yearly and published digitally through .pdf and in print, found in Kern County phone book.
Today, information regarding the transportation and processing of waste and recycling is best found in the Public Works Recycling Portal.
Look for the following icon of a yellow car: [missing image]
Direct Examples
Waste & Recycling: Hazardous Waste
As of November 2019 Kern Public Works had historically documented the recommended processing, including transportation, of waste and recycling materials in the Kern County Recycling Guide. This document was updated yearly and published digitally through .pdf and in print, found in Kern County phone book.
Today, information regarding the transportation and processing of waste and recycling is best found in the Public Works Recycling Portal.
Look for the following icon of a yellow car: [missing image]
Direct Examples
Businesses must call (661) 862-8922 to make an appointment to bring hazardous waste to any of the three County facilities. Check out the Business Hazardous Waste page for more information.
Household Hazardous Wastes are chemical products, purchased for use in or around the home, that when discarded, may threaten human health or the environment if improperly disposed. Check out the Household Hazardous Waste page for examples and to find the Household Hazardous Waste Collection opportunity nearest you.
The County operates three permanent Hazardous Waste Facilities and conducts several one-day collection events for the disposal of Hazardous Waste. Check the Hazardous Waste section for the opportunity nearest you. Visit the Business Hazardous Waste page fore more information.
Waste & Recycling: Landfills, Transfer Stations & Bin Sites
It is not the responsibility of the Department’s employees to unload waste from your vehicle. This includes all forms of waste and recyclables.
Therefore, if you needed assistance loading your waste, you should take someone with you to assist with unloading your waste.
State Law prohibits salvaging at any Disposal Facility. Safety is a number one priority for the Department and it is not safe to dig through the trash.
Kern County operates seven active landfills and nine transfer stations throughout the County. Check out the Disposal Sites area of the website for information on the Disposal Facility nearest you.
Construction or demolition waste is non-hazardous building material or debris such as: asphalt, concrete, brick, drywall, fencing, metal, packing materials, pallets, pipe or wood resulting from construction, remodeling, repair or demolition of a property.
The County operates several Disposal Facilities where C&D may be disposed or recycled. Other recycling facilities in Kern County, that accept C&D, are listed in the Kern County Recycling Guide.
There are Disposal Fees associated with the disposal or recycling of C&D from both residential and commercial sources. Discounts may be available for source separated materials. Discounts will be determined at the gate following an inspection of the load. Check out the Disposal Sites page for site specific fees schedules.
Residential Waste is ordinary household trash and yard waste from residential properties. Most residential waste can be disposed of without charge at the Disposal Site due to the fact that a Disposal Fee has already been collected through the Land Use Fee on residential property tax bills.
Examples of non-chargeable residential waste include: appliances, clothing, furniture, green waste, manure, mattresses and ordinary household trash. Tires, dead animals, construction, demolition and remodeling materials are charged at the Gate Fee Rate.
Note: Fees are site specific. Information on fees charged at each disposal site can be obtained by visiting the Disposal Sites page.
Most Kern County facilities accept cash, check, VISA or Mastercard, or you can open up a Gate Fee Account. Fill out the Gate Fee Account Application online form or submit the paper application to open a Disposal Site Account.
See the specific facility on the Disposal Sites page for payment options.
Each Disposal Site has unique hours of operation. Check out the Disposal Sites page to find the days and hours of operation at each facility.
Fees are site specific. Information on fees charged at each disposal site can be obtained by visiting the Disposal Sites page.
Due to permitting requirements, landfill staff is not allowed to keep the gate open beyond the posted landfill hours. Please allow plenty of time to get to the Disposal Facility before it closes.
Hours of operation are found on individual Disposal Site detail pages. Start here to find your Disposal Site.
- Dead animals are accepted at all Landfills.
- Dead animals are accepted at the Kern Valley, Lebec, and McFarland-Delano Transfer Stations.
- Dead animals are not accepted at other Transfer Stations, Bin Sites, Special Waste Facilities.
Disposal Criteria
- You must notify the Department at (661) 862-8900 or (800) 552-KERN – prior to bringing in large animals such horses or cows and if you have multiple animals.
- Animals must be dead before arrival and cannot be put down on site.
- You are responsible for unloading your animals.
All dirt is not created equal! Believe it or not, there are several kinds of dirt:
- Clean fill dirt (less than 30% vegetation);
- Dirty dirt (more than 30% vegetation, rocks, trash etc.); and
- Contaminated dirt (hazardous constituents in the dirt).
Dirt, of any kind, is not accepted at Bin Sites or Transfer Stations.
Dirt and Dirty Dirt is accepted at all Landfill Disposal Sites. Contaminated dirt is not accepted.
Disposal fees will be charged based on the type of dirt you are bringing into the facility.
Prior to bringing dirt to a Landfill Site, you must call (661) 862-8900 or (800) 552-KERN to obtain approval.
Currently, Kern County residents pay a Land Use Fee on their property taxes to cover the cost of household trash disposal. This fee gives residents the ability to use Kern County Disposal Facilities without payment at the gate. Since self-haul customers, from outside the county, do not pay into the land use fee system, Out-of-County Customers are required to pay Disposal Fees at the gate. In order to determine which customers must pay the fee, the Waste Management Department is asking for proof of Kern County residency. Acceptable forms of identification include: Drivers License or Identification Card with a Kern County address or a utility bill with a Kern County address and a picture ID.
Kern County charges 2x the gate fee or $20 minimum per load, for vehicles arriving at any Disposal Site with an untarped or unsecured load.
Fly-away litter and bulky items, from untarped and unsecured loads, often blow off or fall out of vehicles – littering the roads leading to disposal facilities. County ordinance and state law requires that trash loads be secured and tarped or fines of up to $1,000 can be imposed on violators. Canvas or plastic tarps, rope and bungee cords are simple tools residents can use to completely cover and/or secure their trash during transport.
Save Your Cash... Tarp Your Trash!
Yes. Tires are not accepted at the Glennville Transfer Station, Keene Transfer Station, Loraine-Twin Oaks Transfer Station, or any Bin Site.
Note: It is illegal to transport more than 9 tires, to a disposal site without a Waste Tire Hauler Registration from CalRecycle. Tires must be deflated if it still on the rim.
Detailed Acceptance and Handling Criteria
Waste Type Residential Fee Commercial Fee Light Duty Tires $3/tire $3/tire Heavy Duty Tires $15/tire $15/tire Oversize Tires $20/tire $20/tire Earthmover/Bulk Tires $250/ton $250/ton Disposal Sites may experience a closure due to inclement weather such as snow, rain or high winds. Closures will be posted at or you may call the Public Works Department at (661) 862-8900 or (800) 552-Kern, to inquire about closures.
Waste & Recycling: Trash & Recycling
As of November 2019 Kern Public Works had historically documented the recommended processing, including transportation, of waste and recycling materials in the Kern County Recycling Guide. This document was updated yearly and published digitally through .pdf and in print, found in Kern County phone book.
Today, information regarding the transportation and processing of waste and recycling is best found in the Public Works Recycling Portal.
Look for the following icon of a yellow car: [missing image]
Direct Examples
Aluminum cans, newspaper, cardboard, plastic bottles, glass and junk mail are common types of household recyclable waste materials. There are many recycling options available for Kern County residents. Some residents have the opportunity to participate in a curbside recycling programs while others can choose to utilize Buy-back Centers. A detailed list of recycling opportunities can be found in the Kern County Recycling Guide.
There are a number of different organizations, throughout the County, that collect residential and commercial trash & recyclables. Both municipalities and private businesses complete the list.
If you live within a city boundary, please contact your local City office for the name of your Trash Hauler. If you live in any unincorporated area of Kern County, private franchise haulers are contracted to provide this service.
Check the Trash Collection page for more information on the hauler in your neighborhood.
If you live in the unincorporated area of Kern County, contact the private franchise Trash Hauler contracted to provide collection services (find more information on the Trash Collection page). Residential and commercial customers residing in an incorporated city should contact their City for information about additional containers. There is an additional monthly fee for additional containers.
If you live in the unincorporated area of Kern County, and you want to rent a trash bin or dumpster, private Trash Haulers are able to provide this service, under a County franchise agreement. Residential and Commercial customers within an incorporated city should contact their City for information on bin or dumpster rentals.
Find more information on the Trash Collection page.
All residents living within the County of Kern have a variety of choices for trash disposal:
The Disposal Sites section provides a complete overview of Landfills, Transfer Stations, and Bins Sites.
While the reasons are varied, the frustration is the same. Missed pick-ups are frustrating for both the customer and the Trash hauler.
If you live in the unincorporated area of Kern County and your trash was not picked up, contact the private Franchise Trash Hauler contracted to provide this service.
Residential and Commercial customers, within an incorporated City, should contact their City to determine why trash was not picked up.
Find more information on the Trash Collection page.
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